Cloe Gentile Reyes

MA Musicology, Spring 2020
PhD Musicology, Spring 2023
Cloe Gentile Reyes is a Ph.D. Candidate in Musicology at UC Santa Barbara. She works with musicologists Dr. Martha Sprigge and Dr. David Paul, as well as Dr. Inés Casillas, Professor of Chicana/o Studies. Her dissertation is a personal and community-led endeavor to celebrate and critique U.S. Latinx and Puerto Rican music, fashion, and dance throughout the 20th-and-21st-centuries. She is particularly interested in representations of womanhood, Blackness, Indigeneity, and queerness in bolero, salsa, rap, and reggaetón. Gentile Reyes is also a poet and vocalist, and her work has recently been featured in Brown Sugar Lit, a womanist literary magazine, and as the text for composer Nyokabi Kariũki’s song, “Papa Mar/ Father Ocean.”