Elizabeth Hambleton

MA Theory, Spring 2017
Phd Theory, Spring 2020
Elizabeth Hambleton finished her Master of Arts in Music Theory in Spring 2017 and her PhD in Music Theory in Spring 2020 at UC Santa Barbara, where she worked primarily with Associate Professor Ben Levy. Hambleton’s dissertation examines score study of non-traditional notation in multimedia electroacoustic works in the MIDI era. She has presented at conferences around the world on novel notation, electroacoustic analysis, and ludomusicology, and recently published an article on analyzing the video game genre of navigable narratives in the Journal of Sound and Music in Games. Coming up, Hambleton will have two forthcoming chapters in anthologies on video game sound and music from Oxford and Routledge presses. She is also a composer of electroacoustic music and multimedia installations; her interactive multimedia installation Eric, Turn Off the Nintendo (2018) and “paneled” sound installation Four Images of Bogong (2019) appeared in the UCSB Summer Music Festivals of 2018 and 2019, respectively, and her interactive multimedia installation Robin Return (2020) was performed in the North American Conference of Video Game Music virtual concert in June 2020. She is currently working on a videogame-styled soundwalk experience inspired by the forests of Washington and Maine, and a piece for solo flute and electronics inspired by Kim Addonizio’s poetry.